Board Game Library Information

A list of all the games in our library can be found here

Welcome to the Board Game Library, here we have over 300 games available to play in-store!

The fee to use games out of our Game Library is $15 for 2 people + $5 for each additional person in the group and that covers the entire day. Given we are inside of a mall you’re welcome to leave to eat, see a movie, visit other stores, etc… and come back any time that same day to keep playing games.

You’re also more than welcome to bring your own games and for that there is no fee to use our tables. It’s also not limited to board games, you can bring card games, tabletop RPGs and miniatures games like Warhammer.

In addition to being a fantastic collection of board games, our Game Library also has a few other benefits. Many of our games have organizers built for them that speed up setup/clean up and keep everything organized and many of our games also have upgraded components that make playing a much more enjoyable experience.